Texas Tax Information
Discover essential Texas tax information, including tax rates, filing deadlines, deductions, and credits.
Texas Tax Brackets
Texas either does not have income tax or taxes dividend and interest income only.
Federal Tax Brackets
Rate | From | To |
10% | $0 | $11,000 |
12% | $11,001 | $44,725 |
22% | $44,726 | $95,375 |
24% | $95,376 | $182,100 |
32% | $182,101 | $231,250 |
35% | $231,251 | $578,125 |
37% | $578,126 | ∞ |
Married (Filing Jointly)
Rate | From | To |
10% | $0 | $22,000 |
12% | $22,001 | $89,450 |
22% | $89,451 | $190,750 |
24% | $190,751 | $364,200 |
32% | $364,201 | $462,500 |
35% | $462,501 | $693,750 |
37% | $693,751 | ∞ |
Married (Filing Separately)
Rate | From | To |
10% | $0 | $11,000 |
12% | $11,001 | $44,725 |
22% | $44,726 | $95,375 |
24% | $95,376 | $182,100 |
32% | $182,101 | $231,250 |
35% | $231,251 | $346,875 |
37% | $346,876 | ∞ |
Head of Household
Rate | From | To |
10% | $0 | $15,700 |
12% | $15,701 | $59,850 |
22% | $59,851 | $95,350 |
24% | $95,351 | $182,100 |
32% | $182,101 | $231,250 |
35% | $231,251 | $578,100 |
37% | $578,101 | ∞ |